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Get Published on MBAchic
Would you like a byline on MBAchic? Submit your written content for publication on
Read our recent articles to get a sense for our style and tone, and let’s get started.

- Write a news article or Op/Ed on a topic that interests or impacts our audience
- Interview a classmate, colleague, professor or industry leader for a profile
- Tell us about your MBA application process or GMAT / GRE / EA prep and offer your lessons and advice
- Share your business school experience or your career and/or entrepreneurial journey
- Introduce or teach our audience about the field you study or work in and the industry’s future
- Discuss the markets, industry news, or offer your analysis of world events (or the state of business education)
- Offer advice to MBA students interviewing during recruiting season
- Discuss your experiences as an MBA spouse or partner
- Talk office fashion or how to dress for work / school occasions #keepitMBAchic
- Provide career advice for the different stages and situations in our careers
- Share your book review and/or podcast recommendations
- Pitch an idea to our team!
Please check out our guidelines and find the link to submit contributions directly, or get in touch to kick things off.
New formats & projects launching, so be sure to get in touch.
To discuss working together (if you’re with a school or organization), please submit to this form & we will be in touch!
If a request is time-sensitive, please note that in your submission.
I want to share my story in some other way: #MBAchicTakeover, interview or other format (I’ll complete the BSchool Survey first).
Please join us inside MBAchic and email us your thoughts, so we can get started.