#MBAchicTakeover – Laura Gallardo on McCombs’ Working Pro MBA

This week, current MBA candidate Laura Gallardo brought us along to share a weekend-in-the-life in the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business Working Professional MBA program. She shared the experience and how she went about applying as an 11-year working professional. Followers on Instagram got to see the MBA program and how class is conducted. We also learned about her experience with the Executive Assessment, an alternative to the GMAT administered by GMAC.
Don’t miss Laura’s #MBAchicTakeover if you’re thinking about pursuing your MBA on a part-time or weekend basis, if you are a working mom, or if you’re someone who wants to invest in yourself, your education and career, and chase your goals. We’re all here because we want to level up in some way, and you’ll certainly enjoy Laura’s #MBAchicTakeover.
Thanks so much to Laura for hosting our latest #MBAchicTakeover. We enjoyed sharing a weekend in the McCombs Working Professional MBA!

Interested in hosting a takeover, or writing a guest post for MBAchic? Head here when you’re ready and we can get the ball rolling.
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Photos from Laura Gallardo