MBAchic launched an MBA scholarship!

The cat’s out of the bag… we launched an MBA scholarship! This is a massive dream come true, and I am so excited to finally share the news. You might remember our discussion with Dr. Juli Clay, Assistant Vice President for Executive Programs and Communications Department Chair at Brenau University, where they are creating the first ever Executive MBA for women (EWMBA). We’ve been working closely with them over the last few months and have been able to establish a scholarship in the amount of $10,000 for MBA candidate(s) applying to the Brenau EWMBA for January 2020 intake!
P.S. that “(s)” after candidates? Yes, it’s possible that multiple candidates will receive a scholarship in our name (…I’m not crying, *you’re* crying).
Here at MBAchic, the discussion of the cost of higher education, ROI, and how to pay for your MBA is real. While inspiring or encouraging someone to pursue the degree and offering advice along the way is already incredibly fulfilling for us, helping to fund your studies via this MBA scholarship is absolutely mind-blowing(!!!). Still wrapping our brains around this, and so, so excited.
Here’s how it will work: as you apply to the Brenau EWMBA, you’ll need to fill out the MBAchic Scholarship Form, which is due August 31 September 14. It asks about your career achievements and goals, and helps us understand a bit about you as a candidate. Once the scholarship application deadline passes, we’ll review submissions and get back to you with next steps. If you have any questions throughout the scholarship application process, please get in touch with Dr. Juli Clay – she and her team will serve as the main contacts, and point MBAchic-specific questions our way!
MBAchic x Brenau Executive Women’s MBA Scholarship
Please see our interview to read more about the program, and visit the program website here. The Brenau EWMBA is an online program, with three in-person residencies in NYC, ATL, and one international venue. They’re looking for smart, ambitious women who will make their move into the C-suite. They’re looking build a strong network of professional women across regions, industries and beyond. That sound like you? Be sure to apply!

Thank you so much to Brenau University and Dr. Juli Clay for this incredible opportunity. So excited to be a part of this groundbreaking program!
- MBAchic x Brenau EWMBA Scholarship Form
- Brenau Executive Women’s MBA Program
- MBAchic’s Interview with Dr. Juli Clay of Brenau University
- Official Press Release
Are you a professional or organization who would like to be a part of the first-ever Executive Women’s MBA? Please get in touch regarding available program and residency sponsorship opportunities. We’d love to speak, especially if you are in New York City or Atlanta!