#MBAchicTakeover – Zoddy Imoisili on her first year at Wharton and being part of the first majority-female MBA class

Wharton MBA candidate Zoddy Imoisili took over MBAchic’s Instagram to share her reflections on her first year so far and what she’s most excited to do with her time on campus. In a reflective sit-down, Zoddy looked back at her leadership experiences thus far, what it was like applying to business school and determining the right test and study format for her, and what she is looking forward to doing on campus with the time she has left.
She gave us a view into the real experiences she’s had, including serving as VP of Operations for Wharton’s Africa Business Forum and VP of Diversity for her cluster, offered a glimpse into AAMBAA, Wharton Women in Business and shared her excitement for Black Ski, which brought together students from 17+ MBA programs across the country, coordinated by Tuck.

If you’re interested in learning more about the MBA application process, about what student life is like at Wharton, and how to set yourself up for success at bschool, watch Zoddy’s #MBAchicTakeover below. and connect with Zoddy inside MBAchic (@zoddy).
#MBAchicTakeover – Zoddy Imoisili on her first year at Wharton and being part of the first majority-female MBA class
Thanks so much to Zoddy for hosting our latest #MBAchicTakeover. We enjoyed hearing your experiences and reflections now that you’re almost finished with your first year. Thank you for inspiring, supporting and sharing with us… and good luck!
Interested in hosting a takeover, or writing a guest post for MBAchic? Head here for more information.
Watch the full Anthem Award-winning series on MBAchic here.
Photos from Zoddy Imoisili
Truly enjoyed following Zoddy’s day and seeing all of the clubs and events she is part of — also loved how real she got about her application process and the relief that came with her first acceptance.
“I’m going to be an MBA woman.” Felt that! 😍